Monday, January 10, 2011

A Day in the Life...My Treatment

Some days are busier then then most. But for the most part, once the chemo is over, there is a lot of time just waiting for my immune system fall, then to recover enough so it is safe for me to go home. At the end of each treatment, I get bone a marrow biopsy to see if Leukemia is detected.

All IV meds and fluids are administered through my
PICC line. I had a Hickman Line first, but since it got infected, we've stuck with the PICC line. The PICC line gets removed each time I go home.

5:30 am:

Daily blood work. (some nurses let me sleep until 7:00)

7:30 am:

Order breakfast. The food is pretty good here.

After breakfast my blood tests are back. I have them written on a white board in my room so I can can track as they go down and then back up. We monitor white blood count (WBC), Hemoglobin\Red Blood Count (RBC), Platelets and ANC. ANC is your ability to fight infections on your own. When ANC falls below 500, your immune system is considered compromised. In general, about 7 days after the chemo my ANC falls to 0 and stays there for about a week. A dangerous time to get infections.

Morning (Chemo):

Prepping for chemo. Premeds 30 min before chemo: Decadron 50ml (Steroid), Anti-nausea meds. I have had no issues with nausea since the first round of treatments.

Chemo: When I was going through Induction therapy (first 2 rounds), my chemo consisted of an injection of Daunorubicin (216mg) each morning for 3 days. At the same time, I was given a continuous dose of cytarabine over 7 days.

I am now going through consolidation therapy. 7100mg of cytarabine given over 3 hours. I do this 2 times in a day and then no chemo the next day. In effect I am getting chemo every other day for 5 days.

Hemoglobin or Platelet transfusions (when needed):

If my Red blood count falls below 7.5, I get hemoglobin transfusions (2 units).
If my platelets fall below 20,000, I get platelets.

Other Meds\Tests:

I was on a bunch of meds my first time through because I was so sick: Prilosec for heartburn, nutritional supplements to correct potassium and other deficiencies. Mouth wash to prevent mouth infections. All kinds of oral and IV antibiotics. I was also getting CT scans and other tests several times during my first round of chemo in order to identify the source of my infections\fevers. I had a terrible nose bleed that would not stop due to my low platelet levels.. We had to have it cauterized to stop the bleeding. Fortunately I have been able to avoid most of these complications since the first round of chemo.

Constant IV fluids (resulting to frequent trips to the restroom, plus they have to monitor my fluid input and output)

Eye drops (more steroids) every 6 hours to prevent eye infections.

Broad spectrum antibiotics if I spike a fever.

VFEND antifungal to treat the Aspergillus I got during my first treatment (was on this from 10/11-12/21/2010) 2 pills a day @ $50 a pill. The Aspergillus caused nodules on my liver and lungs.

Passing the Time

Technology is my friend. There is only so much TV you can watch. Sanford has wireless Internet which provides a bunch of options. I get a lot of comments from the staff about my setup. I occupy my time with:

  • Eating: I can pretty much order food and snacks when I want. Favorites: grilled salmon, Lasagna, Pork Tenderloin. Dessert: mango smoothies, milk shakes, french silk pie, apple pie. A decent variety and pretty good all around. But even good hospital food gets repeditive. I occasionally order a Godfathers pizza, Arby's or Chinease, if I need a bit of the outside life.

  • Emails: For those family & friends not on the Facebook bandwagon

  • Facebook: Posting status updates and monitoring friends

  • Blogging: I started this during my 3rd round and am amazed by how therapeutic and time consuming it is. I've always enjoyed writing. I know others use CaringBridge to do the same thing. I wanted my blog to be more then my AML so didn't go that route.

  • XBOX: Mostly playing XBOX Live with my coworkers. It's been great to be able to keep in touch with them this way. Call of Duty: Black Ops and Rock Band 3 are among may favorites right now.

  • Reading: Cooking topics, Terry Brooks books

  • Amazon Kindle ebooks: I got my wife an Amazon Kindle for Christmas (she loves it). With the Amazon Kindle PC reader app, I can read all the books on my laptop for no extra cost. Luckily we like similar books. Percy Jackson Series, Sookie Stackhouse Journals, I will probably break down and read the Twilight saga as well.

  • Movies: Sanford has Lodgenet's on demand movies. They don;t change often but they are free. The network blocks streaming video, so Andrea brings in DVDs upon request.

  • TV Shows: Chuck, Human Target, Glee, Family Guy, NCIS, NFL

My Room:

It is a special room for people with compromised immune systems. My own air\ventilation. When my ANC falls below 500, I don't venture out much and people wear masks\gowns and scrub up when the come in the room.

Here are a few pics. My laptop\PC\Xbox setup along with my TV, whiteboard and most pics.


  1. What happens if you end up on Team Jacob & Andrea is on Team Edward? (Yes, that's what I took away from this whole post.)

  2. I am so humbled to hear all that you go through. I think that you should do a bit of writing what its like to live with it all. What a person actually goes through. We all know you can write well. I am sitting her complaining of how my head is going to explode and you are sitting there. I also realize how well I have it with getting to see my family every morning. I am so happy that you have a great family and friends to be with you. I do think of how you are doing from time to time. Who would of thought that after all this time, you inspire my life from a hospital bed. Do you know how much good you give to the world with this bit of information...Take care Jon and God Bless you and your family

