Dear family and friends,
This year was full of adventures for our family. A new baby, cancer and Disney all in one year. (Not in that order).
Lets start with the biggest adventure first. On Labor Day, Jon woke with terrible back and hip pain. Usually one to let things run their course, this was different. We went through a series of different kinds of doctors before a diagnosis. On Sept. 23, Jon learned he had Acute Myeloid Leukemia and immediately started chemo at Sanford Hospital in Sioux Falls.
AML is aggressive and treatment is equally so. Jon has had two chemo treatments. The first was physically hard on him, but after four weeks and losing 40 lbs, he was able to go home. The second treatment put him in the hospital over Thanksgiving, but was easier with the major side effect being boredom. AML is tough cancer to be rid of, but for now, the recent tests have him in remission. More treatments are needed so it does not come back, but it is a blessing that Jon has responded so well.
Andrea still works at Citibank and Jon at Daktronics. With Andrea being on maternity leave and Jon in between treatments, we have really been able to focus on spending time together as a family.
Alivia finished her first year of school at Tri-Valley in May. She is a good student and enjoys it very much. She has straight A's through her first half of 1st grade. Liv started gymnastics this year and quickly moved from the beginners to the advanced class. She is, however, asking to swith to swimming lessons.
Nevaeh and Layla attend Citibank Daycare. The girls love it, as it provide many activities for them. Vaeh loves singing, the tumble bus and bragging to her older sister about her field trips. With Layla we have gone from walking to talking this year. She enjoys her time outside and loves it when Mom and\or Dad join her at school for activities.
Jonah, was born in November. Jon was between hospital stays and was able to be there. Having a boy in a house full of girls is sure to be an adventure of its own, but he has been a very good baby.
You know it been quite a year when Disney falls this low on the list of adventures. Liv and Vaeh saved money for two years to help pay for the trip to Disney World. We were so happy Andrea's mother, Marsha, was able to join us. There are too many memories to fit in this letter, but needless to say, we had a great time.
In a year of memories, one thing stands out. We are truly blessed by all our family and friends that have helped us during Jon's treatment. All the prayers have done wonders and Jon was able to focus on healing knowing his family was taken care of. Our family will forever remember and be thankful for all that was done for us.
Here's looking forward to more adventures, strengthened by what lies behind us,
Jon, Andrea, Alivia, Nevaeh, Layla & Jonah

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