Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Should I Stay or Should I go...

I suggest reading this post with the Clash's "Should I Stay or Should I Go" playing in the background.

Background: My chemo ended 3 days ago (Sunday) and I have had no side effects from it. My numbers are falling as they should (albeit slowly). I am waiting for my blood counts to bottom and then recover... just waiting.

I was presented with an interesting option today. My case manager commented on how well I was doing. She suggested that we see if I can go home and wait things out there. Andrea was with me at the time. Neither of us had even entertained the thought.

So we spent all afternoon excited by the prospect. When my doctor came to do his rounds (he generally comes about 5:30pm) he didn't really direct me one way or another. Said it was up to me. We talked for a bit and as he left, he said we'll see if we can get you out of here tomorrow.

So here I am... I was excited all day about the chance that I might get out, but now I am extremely nervous at the thought. I am most comfortable at home but I feel the safest here. I'm guessing that I've got about 2 weeks left for my numbers to bottom and recover. This is the time I am most susceptible to infection. So... should I stay or should I go?

I have not made up my mind yet. I understand that my case manager is mainly focused at keeping the hospital bills in check, but I know her (her daughter & my wife are friends) so I trust that she is not suggesting something that would put me at risk. I've asked a couple of nurses here, they are encouraging me to head home if I have the option. They suggested patients generally do better at home. Both the case manager and nurses have said, if you're going to get sick, you're going to get sick and we'll deal with it then.

I am literally 10 min from the hospital when @ home. If I run a fever I know I need to come back ASAP. They will check me back in and give me antibiotics. I'll need to have blood work done each day to know when I need to receive blood or platelets. All this can be done on a outpatient basis. Still, I am nervous.

At home I have four kids coming and going from school and daycare. All have had flu shots. Other than some runny noses, everyone is healthy. So... should I stay or should I go?

For now, I am going to sleep on it.

Don't miss tomorrow's episode for the exciting conclusion...

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