Friday, December 28, 2012

AML: Christmas 2012

I haven't been writing much because I've lacked the focus to do so.  I am on lots of meds and my mind is a bit groggy most of the time.   It looks like I have a few more weeks in here until I recover. 

I am very happy to say that I got out for a few hours on Christmas Eve to have supper and open presents with the kids.  It was a good night.  They didn't let me out on Christmas however so it has been kind of a mess of a holiday. 

Treatment-wise things are progressing as they should.  My counts are bottomed out and there is no cancer in my blood.  I had some scans to determine why I was running fevers and not feeling well.  They felt there was some infection in my lungs at some point but the meds I am on should take care of it.   I am getting platelets an red blood when I need them. 

We decided not to do neupogen shots again.  The thinking is I don't want to jump start any leukemia before my immune system is back in shape to fight it. 

Really we're just in our routine of taking meds and waiting for things to get better.

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