With not much new on the AML front, I figured I's reminisce again.
I've mentioned in prior posts that I grew up on a farm with Grandpa (Dick) and Grandma (Carol)Grann right next door. Now since they were closest, they were always just Grandpa and Grandma. You know...the default Grandparents.
There were are a lot of advantages to having them so close. My sister and I are way better off for it. There really is so much to say about these two. I'll have to do more posts later to do it justice. But here are some quick facts about G&G.
Grandpa was in the FBI (under J Edger Hoover) for a very brief time. Grandma was born with one arm (It was always easy to miss the way she carried herself). Grandpa had severe rheumatoid arthritis for as long I can recall. They lived in the tiny farmhouse house I would eventually grow up in and raised 3 boys. In 1981 they moved the large house on the farm (purchased from Mike Waldner) from Carpenter to where it is today. Grandpa loved farming. Grandma love family history. Grandma like to cook, Grandpa loved to eat. Christmas always meant Christmas Eve on the farm at their house.
Jessica and I also benefited from having them so close because of the extremely large extended family (nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, cousins) that would stop in to visit often. For me, exposure to such a close extended family is the foundation of why family is so important. Again, our extended family is a topic I could go on and on about, someday I may.
The rest of this post will focus on friends, 2 specific friends of G&G that are a very special to us to this day. Backstory: When Grandpa and Grandma were exploring treatment options for his arthritis, they met (through extended family) a couple in Kansas City with family ties to the Carpenter area; Gene and Lena A.
I recall Grandpa and Grandma heading to Kansas City fairly often to try different treatments and they always would stay with Gene and Lena. Later on Gene and Lena would come to visit us on the farm. Jessica and I were probably 5 and 8 respectively when they first started coming (just a guess). Visits from Gene and Lena were very exciting times.
There always seemed to be gifts and showered on tons of attention on the two of us kids. The highlight would end up being the groceries they would bring out. I have come to understand that Gene just loved how much Jessica and I enjoyed fruit. Goodness, they would bring plenty. It's pretty easy to endear someone that spoils you rotten like they did Jessica and I.
Gene and Lena moved back to South Dakota some time ago. we managed to all catch up a few years back when Grandpa was staying with Andy and I for a few days. That was at least 2 kids ago. It was a good day. Especially since I managed to get the check before Gene. Unfortunately Gene passed in recent years.
With our family reunion on the east side of SD this year, it was a highlight to see Lena pop into our family reunion this year. It made me think of something else I picked up from Grandma and Grandpa: This world is full of special people who become very special friends that are just as important as family. In fact, they become family. Gene and Lena were some of these special people.
I have thought back fondly to these visits on many occasions but have done a poor job of staying in touch. I have other family to thank for (Jan & Paul... Thanks!!!) for passing along my blog posts and helping me keep contact with Lena.