Monday, May 7, 2012

AML: Day +3

So I didn't post yesterday.   Not much to tell.   Today is similar. 

I go to the hospital at 9:30am each morning for blood draws and injections or whatever else I may need.  Every other day I get a dose of methotrexate.  It's a low dose chemotherapy that is supposed to suppress my existing immune system while the new on takes hold. 

For the next 7-14 days, by counts will be falling and then we expect to see evidence that the new cells are taking over.  Once the new cells take over, we start monitoring very closely for Graft vs Host disease.

The doctor that I saw today (I see whoever is on the floor when I am there) says I am doing quite well.  So that is  good news, I guess. 

I am having trouble eating and consuming enough liquid on my own.  So they put some IV fluids in me today. That should help with some of the lightheadedness I experience when standing (my blood pressure drops big time when I stand).   I did manage to get down a decent portion of Famous Dave's BBQ (chicken) today.    So if Famous Dave's is what I'll have to live on for the next few months.  I guess I can manage.   

Calorie heavy beverages are working pretty good.   Smoothies (the ones you see on TV where you add juice) and the Carnation Instant breakfasts have been helping be get some calories.  Starbucks or Caribou coffee seems to work as well.  Tons of calories there. 

The days seem to be passing quickly, so far.  But such a long way to go.  Thanks for all the prayers.  I am doing well. 

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