My name is Jon. I have a wonderful family (4 kids, amazing wife, huge extended family). I have a great job, great friends and...cancer. I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in September 2010. On May 4th, 2012 I received a stem cell transplant at Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
AML: Day +20 Progressing
The throat pain caused by the radiation and the Methotrexate is mostly gone. It takes some adjustment to transition from inpatient to outpatient. I have very little stamina and eating is difficult. But that should improve over the upcoming days\weeks. So far about all i can tolerate is chicken noodle soup and Carnation instant breakfast drinks. My intake seems to be getting better each day. But I am only managing to put down about half the protein they want me to. They want me to get 120g of protein each day.
I have lost 25 pounds already. I expect to lose more. But the nausea seems to be getting better.
Each day I am still going to the outpatient area at the hospital. As things improve I will be able to transfer back to the clinic and not have to go in every day. We pass our time with errands and watching things on Netflix.
I should get to see the kids next week finally. It's been difficult not seeing them for this long. We appreciate the prayers and ongoing support. Things are progressing nicely. I am just looking for my appitite to improve and for my energy level to get higher.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
AML: Day +15
Actually, today was a pretty slow day -- Jon couldn't seem to get past the nausea. But we'll hope for things to be better in that area tomorrow. His improving numbers mean that those new little cells are doing their job. Praise God!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Day +14
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Day +13
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Day +12
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Day +11
Monday, May 14, 2012
AML: Day +10
Sunday, May 13, 2012
AML: Jon – Changing of the Guard
Saturday, May 12, 2012
AML: Day + 8
It's been a long couple of days, but things are going to get better.
Jon was hospitalized on Thursday due to terrible pain when he swallowed. This is 'normal' but Jon's pain was severe. He is now on a constant drip of pain meds. So the pain is being well-managed. Due to the pain, Jon's been unable to eat, drink or swallow any meds by mouth.
Jon's counts have bottomed out. So he will most likely be in the hospital until his counts start to rise since right now his body can't heal. That could be a week or more. But he's in good hands.
Otherwise Jon is good. Your prayers have helped - his nausea has completely disappeared.
I head home today to play with my babies (and work) for the next 10 days. Jon's mom Crys is on her way here.
We love you all. Thanks for the prayers and keep sending them our way.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
AML: Day + 6
Well Jon was admitted to the hospital today. Unfortunately he is having very bad throat pain so drinking, eating and taking his meds are very hard to do. But its good that he's here. The doctors are able to give him meds to help with his pain. And now they can monitor his nutrition far better than I could. On a positive note: he woke up this morning with absolutely no nausea. So those prayers have worked!!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
AML: Day + 5
Jon's counts have bottomed out which they were supposed to, which means he's feeling very tired, and very weak. On top of that, he has mouth sores and a sore in his throat. So he doesn't feel like eating, but he has to and his tastes are off, so that makes it worse. Plus he is still nauseous too.
Not a great day today. Wish I could say that tomorrow will be better, I'm praying it is.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Uplifting: John 5:4

Here is the passage for John 5:4
For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.
Now... What do you think about that?
AML: Day +3
I go to the hospital at 9:30am each morning for blood draws and injections or whatever else I may need. Every other day I get a dose of methotrexate. It's a low dose chemotherapy that is supposed to suppress my existing immune system while the new on takes hold.
For the next 7-14 days, by counts will be falling and then we expect to see evidence that the new cells are taking over. Once the new cells take over, we start monitoring very closely for Graft vs Host disease.
The doctor that I saw today (I see whoever is on the floor when I am there) says I am doing quite well. So that is good news, I guess.
I am having trouble eating and consuming enough liquid on my own. So they put some IV fluids in me today. That should help with some of the lightheadedness I experience when standing (my blood pressure drops big time when I stand). I did manage to get down a decent portion of Famous Dave's BBQ (chicken) today. So if Famous Dave's is what I'll have to live on for the next few months. I guess I can manage.
Calorie heavy beverages are working pretty good. Smoothies (the ones you see on TV where you add juice) and the Carnation Instant breakfasts have been helping be get some calories. Starbucks or Caribou coffee seems to work as well. Tons of calories there.
The days seem to be passing quickly, so far. But such a long way to go. Thanks for all the prayers. I am doing well.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
AML: Day +1 , Out patient
It was a nice relaxing afternoon at the house though. Was doing fine with keeping things down until I tried a little supper. Oh well. I think this will be the norm for a while. I just need to stay hydrated enough to stay out of the hospital.
Had to return to outpatient tonight to get an injection of methotrexate. It is a chemo drug, but is given in such a low dose that its used in my case to control graft vs host disease.
They are trying more antinausea drugs.... Perhaps we can find something that works.
Other then the stomach issues, all else is good. I wonder what all those new little cells are up to.
AML: Day 0, Happy Birthday
The day was pretty basic. Just lots of meds and waiting. I still get sick to my stomach every time I get up. None of the meds seek to be making a difference. I'm pretty comfortable if I just lay down or sit still.
About 3:00 they started me on premeds for the transplant. Lots of fluids and more anti rejection stuff. Most all goes in my IV.
Roughly about 730 my cells shoes up. More drugs, tylenol, Benedryl and hydrocodone. All just to make sure there was no reaction to the cells.
The infusion of the stem cells was very simple. They use a gravity drip because they don't know what going through an IV machine would do to the cells.
It cells only took about a half and hour. I was told there were about 7 million cells. Other then the Benedryl making me both sleepy and fidgity. That passed in about an your and I also the night. So far so good.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
AMP: Day -1
I have some general bone and muscle pain. Nausea is an issue. Appitite is becoming an issue as well. But it all going fine. Hopefully things will get better as we get further from the treatments.
My cells will arrive tomorrow at about 5 tomorrow. If things are are on schedule, I should get them tomorrow at about 7pm.
There is another gentlemen here, Dale, that is on the same schedule as me. He will get his transplant tomorrow as well. Turns out they have family (kids) by Yale, but are from Rochester. Small world. Please add Dale and Jean to your prayer lists. Couldn't hurt to have a few extras prayers bouncing around these walls.
The Methodist hospital has been comfortable. Staff has been great. I am ready to be out. Sometime Saturday probably.
Big day tomorrow. They keep calling it my birthday around here.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
AML: Day -2
Just 2 more sessions of radiation left. They are making me tired and I am getting sick occasionally. Don't know if it is the chemo or the radiation.
I had a hemoglobin of 8.3. So they gave me a unit today. Lots of resting today.
Hiccups still an issue.
They started Tacrolimus today. It is is a drug to prevent graft vs host disease. So it is preconditiong for the transplant. It means I am attached to my IV again and will be until I am out of here.
Doing ok, but ready for the next step... Tomorrow should be pretty much more of the same as today.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
AML: Day -3, Am I glowing?
A light breakfast and then radiation at 9:30. This is a full body radiation. I sit in a chair strapped in with little sensors to track how even the radiation is traveling through me. I sit for 12 minutes getting nuked from one side, then they turn me around and hit me from the other side.
The actual treatment is uneventful. I fell asleep. I am a good medium rare with they pull me out. They tell me I'll get a little "sunburned" from the course.
After the radiation and free from the IVs, I got a pass from the hospital. So Andy and I went back to the transplant house and relaxed. Some friends of Tom my Aunt Rogene's from Yankton stopped by. He had a double lung transplant and they were in town for a checkup. It was good to visit with them. They are staying in the Gift of life house too.
We had a late lunch and I headed back for the 2 dose of radiation. Skins a little pinker. I mentioned I was nervous about the radiation. Not so much the actual treatments but the side effects are what I am worried about...
I did get sick to my stomach today. I think it's mostly because of mild nausea, but the hiccups set me off. I am still dealing with them. A side effect from one of the meds. For some reason my hemoglobin is at 8. It should not be that low yet. They will check tomorrow and give me a transfusion if needed.
No more passes for the rest of the week. They start me on more conditioning for the transplant... so I will have a 24 hour IV again... bummer. Still I should get out on Sat. So I can manage.
Going through Xbox withdrawals... Enjoying having Andy all to myself. Missing by babies.