Last Thursday morning I woke with a sore throat and pretty much knew I'd be headed back to the hospital. I went in for my daily checkup and sure enough I started running a temp. So I've been batteling a Strep infection again in my blood stream.
It was a rough weekend with fevers north of 103 degrees. I went Thursday until Monday pretty much not eating. The headaches were terrible. Jon was not a happy camper and looked pretty rough. There was great improvement today. I still am running a little hot, but not bad. Headahes are mostly gone.
I am still pretty groggy from the meds, but for some reason I am having trouble sleeping. With me feeling better I can post more often.
For now I have updated the silent auction items on the benefit website: Benefit Site Here are some of the latest:

There is also a new iPad raffle. The Willow Lake class of '96 (my class) donated the 64GB Wifi iPad 3. Raffle tickets can be purchased on the Benefit Site or from any of the others running around selling tickets.
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