Wednesday, April 25, 2012

AML: Day 3 @ Mayo

The day started early with my first consult at 7:00. the good news is I had no headaches from the Lumbar puncture.  I felt a little off, and sore, but no headaches. 
7:00    Meeting with radiology doctor.  I will have 6 rounds of radiation next week.  The doctor took me through the procedure.  Full body radiation.   He mentioned that the the chance my lungs would explode is very remote.  So that was good to hear.    I am nervous about the radiation.  It's a unfamiliar element. 
9:00 Bone marrow measurement.  I got to meet a couple of Physicists that took different measurements when I was sitting down in the machine.  They are going to build some kind of lead shield that will even out the radiation they are going to hit me with. 
10:00  Echocardiogram.  This is a ultrasound of the heart.  It took about and hour for them to get the pics they wanted.   Pretty simple test. 
2:00 Meeting about the financial side of the transplant.  This was basically a waste of time.  They had some basic info about my insurance, which I knew.  Then they showed me some paperwork that was from 2008 about the cost of inpatient transplants.  Mine is outpatient and when I mentioned that, they had no paperwork for that scenario.  So we met, but my financial advisor couldn't tell me ANYTHING.   Wonder how much that consult cost?  Since they had access to my insurance info, I would have expected they could take me through the costs of a typical transplant and give me some guidance as to what things cost out of my pocket.  I really don't need to know what the insurance is going to cover. 
3:00  Eye Exam.  This was just another test to make sure there are not issues or infections.  I went in at 3:00 where the nurse did the basic assessment and gave me drops to dilate my eyes.  at this point I was to see the doctor.  They put me in this small waiting room and I waited for 2 hours.  Finally at 5:00 the doctor called me back, spent literally 2 minutes with me, looking in my eyes and sent me on my way.  They didn't even give me the opportunity to put my contacts back in so I had to stumble around (eyesight is very poor without contacts) finding my way back to the waiting room and then to a bathroom to put in my contacts.  What a way to end the day. 

So I can't say that today was overly productive.  The tests in the morning went really smooth.  In the case of the dentist yesterday and the eye Dr today, I wonder if they really spent enough time to see anything.   I only saw the dentist for about 4 min and the eye doctor for 2 min.   I trust they have it all worked out. 

For the most part, the people here are great, and most of the procedures are going fine.  I don't want to give the impression that things are not going well, it just is a little strange at some of the things going on.   The engineer in me struggles with all the inefficiencies. 

Tomorrow is a full day and should be very productive with most of my actual consults for my treatment.  I should have plenty to tell tomorrow.

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