Friday, April 20, 2012

AML: I Am Blessed

Sunday night I head to Rochester to start getting ready for my stem cell transplant.  With each passing day I get a little more apprehensive about the whole thing.  I think one of the things that has helped is I stopped reading things online and asking questions about this a long time ago.

It's become obvious that there are few actual decisions to be made here and each experience is different.  I've pretty much just got to go along for the ride.  So I am really not looking ahead any further then next step.  I've found that being a little uneducated about what is to come means I stress less about it. 

For me the next step is to be @ Mayo by 7:15 am Monday.  At which time we they are going to do something.  Tune in Monday to find out what.  We'll both be surprised.   OK, I won't be totally surprised, I know the first procedure is my 6th bone marrow biopsy but beyond that I have no idea what is going on next week. 

I am excited for the benefit tomorrow night.   I really like a good party.  Good food doesn't hurt either and there is going to be both.  We've been blessed by the generosity of everyone for this event.  I'll have to write more about this later as until we get there... I really don't have a full handle on who has been involved but it has been amazing.

Last weekend, we had a good bunch of family and friends come to the house.  I was stuck in the hospital until about 3:00 Saturday afternoon.  When I got home, the kids had a new swing set.  the yard work was done, garage cleaned out, inside of the house painted... so much work was done.  

I have to admit I've really struggled with asking for help.  Bottom line though is that we've gotten to the point we needed it.  I am fairly certain I've not done enough in my lifetime to deserve how much support has suddenly come our way.  I'm blessed to have a great family, dedicated friends and to be from a community where people that you may not know or have lost contact with, will drop everything to help in whatever way they can.   Having a herd of cute kids doesn't hurt either.

Andy and I had the chance to meet with Patty & Betsy today.  Patty's husband and Betsy's daughter both have gone through the stem cell transplant.  I've also been able to keep in touch with others I have met along the way.  Most of which I was diagnosed before, but they have already gone through their transplant.  These individuals have helped provide guidance and reassurance and best of all... everyone is doing fine.  It has been uplifting. 

I have been pretty down about things lately.  I've said it before and will again, I've been provided help just when I need it the most.  Between the benefit, help at home and reassurance from my fellow chemosabes these last few weeks, I am doing much better.

Someone needs to invent a word that means more than thanks.  Every time I say thanks, it seems inadequate.

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