Thursday, April 18, 2013

AML: Salvage Chemo

Here's the plan.  Tomorrow morning around 10 or 11 my chemo will start.  It is called salvage chemo because it is kind of a last effort to kill the AML with chemo.  It is only done when multiple treatments have failed.  It's the most heavy duty, bad-ass chemo I will have had. I met with Dr. Hogan today and we talked things through.  My options were either give this a shot or stop treatments. 

I didn't fight through Nov, Dec, Jan & Feb to give up now.  So we're on. 

The intent it to do the salvage chemo, a bone marrow biopsy at day 14 and then if we have achieved remission, we will try to perfectly time the lymphocyte infusion from my original donor cells (leftovers from transplant) to boost the immune recovery.  Then use new immune system to "Smash Camcer!" said in my best incredible hulk voice. 

Here's the thing the chemo (carboplatin and topotepan) is going to be nasty.  The risk of death during my 5 days of continuous chemo, failure of bone marrow recovery or risk of fatal infection are all much greater then any other treatment I have had.  This really is a hail Mary.   

I didn't get a real good vibe from the chemo team about this treatment. They will hit me with a high dose.  98% of the time, there are mouth and throat sores as a result of the chemo.  If you recall, those same sores from my stem cell transplant were the most painful part of this whole experience.  I am scared of the sores  and scared of this treatment. 

However, I am in a different place then I was in December.  My head is on straight. I am coping better and I just physically fell better then I felt back then.  As long as we don't fry an internal organ, I can fight through the rest. 

I am away from Andy and the kids, but am in good hands.  Andy's Dad is here with me and I am so happy that he is here.  He has become one of my best friends as we have spent so much time together during all the treatments.  Andy will join me Sunday and I am sure I will see Dad and or Mom as soon as the whether and calving let them get away.  As a man of 34 years, I am not ashamed so say that I definitely want my mommy. 

I miss all friends at Dak who I have been away from for far to long.   I give thanks for all the extended family and friends that have lifted me and my family in their prayers and gifts.  The strength in those prayers have gotten me this far.   I know these continuing prayers will carry me through the new treatment.  I am comfortable that no matter what happens now, things will  play out as they should.  I am at peace with that.  I can only promise that I am going to leave it all on the field.

Go figure...The Truman Show is on AMC right now.  I like that show. I guess it seems fitting to close this post as he might...

"Good morning, and in case I don't see ya: Good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"


  1. beautiful writing. I love you Jon. I am praying for you.

  2. Jon rest assured that you are not just in our thoughts but more importantly, our prayers. Your courage speaks volumes. You hang in there. We love you and your family very much. Lee & Vicki

  3. “Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
    ― A.A. Milne

  4. Praying for the treatments to go smoothly Jon. Remember that God is bigger than this and you have overcome so much. Know that there are many praying for you, Andy, the kids and your family! Praying that your body is restored to 100% and there be no sign of illness when the chemo is complete! God Bless!

  5. Jon, be assured also here in Germany we are thinking of you and your family. Sending positive vibes and extraordinary strength to you and Andy to go through this (again). Maya

  6. God bless and keep you!! You are blessed with a wonderful family and we pray for them as well!!!

    Cindy Frederick

  7. Sending you and your family prayers and all of God's blessings.

    Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

  8. Love you and your family. Prayers as always.

  9. Continuing to pray for you and your family. Ashley Zenk
