Sunday, January 13, 2013

AML - Can I get a break here

Let's catch up.    I've been in Sanford since Dec 11 for more chemo. They let me out  the week before Christmas so I could be with my family.   The closer we got to Christmas the worse I was feeling.

I could only walk about 25 feet before my heart rate went through the roof. I was unable to eat.  I was very nauseous. As the days passed it got worse.   Long story short, I checked myself back into Sanford hospital.

Things quickly turned around for the better and I started feeling better.  It got to the point where I could sneak out for a few hours on Christmas Eve. I couldn't manage an escape on Christmas through.  They kept me a bit busy with tests. 

So my last posts indicated that we would do a bone marrow biopsy to confirm remission and then send me off to May Clinic for a consult.

We got some disappointing new this week turns out the chemo we tried didn't quite get the job done.  I still have Leukemia in my bone marrow.  Essentially we've tried a couple of "experimental" treatments, but I have not been able to get back to remission

So we started yet another kind of chemo immediately . Fun.

It's administered by shot in my belly, 3 shots at a time, for 7 days.  They are not that bad.

So here we are... I am struggling to get back into remission. It doesn't appear the transplant or the last two rounds of chemo. helped at all.  Unable to go home from Sanford because my counts are too low.  Not sure what options are left.      

There should be a silver lining somewhere, but I can't locate it,


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