When I found out I relapsed right after Christmas, this particular cluster of lymph nodes were the ones that swelled up. The swelling is all gone, but one is still hard. So my oncologist refered me to an ENT (ear, nose, throat) doctor with the instructions that if this one is easy to get to, remove it. The Dr. tells me he's not too worried about it, he just wants it gone. I think he'd prefer to have my tonsils gone as well but the procedure is too invasive considering the chemo affects my ability to heal.

As I ponder the removal of these matching pair of lymph nodes, I keep getting another pair stuck in my head. Waldorf and Statler from the Muppets. I love those guys. So as my mind wanders... I picture the following conversation between my lymph nodes who will now be affectionately be remembered as Waldorf and Statler.
Lymph node Statler - I hear the doctors are going to remove you tomorrow..
Lymph node Waldorf - Why are the doctors going to remove me?
Statler - Cause the dentist was sick. DOH OH OH
Waldorf - That makes no sense. I want a second opinion.
Statler - OK, you've got a horrible singing voice.
Waldorf - That's not what I meant, and what's wrong with my voice.
Statler - Well, can you sing tenor?
Waldorf - What?
Statler - Can you sing tenor, as in ten or eleven miles away from here. DOH OH OH!
Waldorf - That was a bad joke
Statler - I'd say that was a medium joke.
Waldorf - A medium joke?
Statler - Yes it wasn't rare and it certainly wasn't well done. DOH OH OH!
Waldorf - Surgery scares the pants off me.
Statler - Are you sure you didn't just forget to put them on?
Waldorf - So this is it huh?
Statler - Yep, I guesss so.
Waldorf - As they say in France: adios
Statler - That's Spanish
Waldorf - I know. I don't speak French
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