Thursday, March 22, 2012

AML: HLA Typing ... A is for Awesome

Even though we are waiting on results from one last potential match, one of the five people tested will be selected for my transplant.  So with that known, I have a window for the transplant.  Late April to early May.

I mentioned HLA typing before.  I thought I'd elaborate to illustrate why the HLA typing has been difficult in my case. 

First, A well-matched donor is important to the success of the transplant.  It also means the new cells are likely to take to me and the chances of graft-vs-host disease is less.  There are usually 10 markers compared between me and a potential donor. 

They have identified several good (9/10)matches for me.  The one 10/10 match though is female with children, which they prefer not to mix genders of they can avoid.  So I have been told.  It lessens the chance for graft vs host. 

Ilustration A on the right illustrates the markers they test for and a 10/10 match.  Illustration B shows one marker different and a 9/10 match.

However, after the doctors at Mayo met me, they felt it important to test for an 11th and 12 marker.   As you can see from illustration C the high level of awesomeness in my DNA has been difficult for them to find a match.  Hopefully this last person they are testing is either Chuck Norris or the guy from the Dos Equis commericals.    Can't argue with DNA.


  1. Stay Thirsty My Friend. Thanks so much for all the updates and your willingness to share your awesomeness with all of us, especially as you experience these unequivocal experiences.

  2. So my sister comments via email to me in response to this post ... "Now I see why they keep you in isolation".

    Had she been more awesome, she probably would have been a match.
