Wednesday, June 20, 2012

AML: Day +47 More Family Time

So suddenly last Thursday most of may nausea goes away.   I just woke up and felt pretty good.  Other then that.  Not much has changed.    I have has some minor nausea the last couple of days, but a lot better then before. 

The Doctors say I am doing exceptionally well.  I still go into the clinic twice a week.  but the visits are pretty short.  I have this sunburn looking rash on my arms and upper back that has just come recently.  So i guess that will be a discussion topic for tomorrow. 

i have has a bit of muscle pain earlier in the week... mainly in my calf muscles.  But that was a ton better today.   once she herd I felt better my mother (who is my caregiver this week) tricked me into going for a walk.  So I did more walking today then I have done for a while.  Not much soreness so she'll probably keep nagging... 

Rochester is an interesting town.  there is a lot of pride in their city here and there always seems to be a bunch of things going on.  the surprising thing I picked up on is that Rochester is smaller then Sioux falls by about 45,000 people.   For example... every Thursday they block off some streets downtown and have something they call Thursdays on 1st and 3rd.  there are probably around a hundred food vendors and booths at this event.  they do it every Thursday all summer. 

We've been able to sample some of the food that the restaurants downtown offer.  If fact the fish and chips from Newt's was so good.  we went back to the real restaurant on Friday for more.  This week is also Rochester fest with a bunch of food stands and events going on.  this event feels more like a fair.   So my lunch today consisted of cheese curds and onion rings and little bit of a corn dog. 

I still have an exceptionally small appetite.  That may not change until they take me off some meds. 

The kids and Andy were here for Fathers Day and my birthday.  It was tough getting a room that weekend so I put them up at a nice old hotel downtown (Kahler Grand).  the novelty of staying there is that the indoor pool was on the roof with a dome over it.  Kids got a kick out of it.   When Sat morning turned rainy we took them to a place with a bunch of inflatables and they had a blast.  We learned Jonah has no fear and was following the girls everywhere he could.  I don't know what was funner.  Watching him climb everything or having Andy annoyed at me for letting him do it. 
We also took the kids to Silver Lake Park in town to feed the geese.  actually we went twice and Nevaeh got a little scared by how may geese she had around her but she asked to go back the next day and we did.  She did much better then.   We took them to a giant playground and they had a great time there as well.  But, the weekend went to fast and they headed home mid afternoon Sunday. 

You may notice an extra young lady in the photo.  Alex watches Alivia and Nevaeh in the summer so we don't have to put them in daycare.  The girls love her and Andy brought her along to help with the kids during the long drive and hotel stay.  You will never meet a more responsible 14 year old.   She is very special to our family.

In all I am doing fine.  My magnesium is holding as long ans I am doing my self infusions.  Nausea is better... but does remind me every now and then it's still there.  My energy level is increasing.  Hair is even hinting at growing back. 

I'll leave you with a a pic of Jonah trying to keep up with his sister's in the pool.  He is extremely quick to pick up on things.  Grandma had him kicking and swimming all over.  Note: I have the same facial expression when she suggests we go for a walk...  But I think he was having fun. 

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