Sunday, June 12, 2011

AML: Chemo - Round 6

Wed 6/8 I started my 6th round of chemo for my AML. Same type of chemo (high dose cyterabene). So far so good. I came in with a bit of a cold, virus or something like that. Along with it is a nasty cough and some sinus issues. They have me on steroids and antibiotics to get that under control. Day 5 & it seems to be helping a bit... Cough is sticking around.

I suppose it's the steroids doing it, but my numbers (white cells and ANC) have actually been climbing since I got here. Hemoglobin and platelets are holding steady. The last time we started treatment and my numbers climbed like this, it was my shortest trip. Here's hoping...

This should be my final round of chemo. Then we wait and see if I relapse. The good news is I feel well. The bad news, since this is my last trip, I am fairly certain it will feel like the longest.

I hope to be out of here before the 4th of July holiday. I will be celebrating both my 33rd birthday and Father's Day here this week.

The kids are growing fast. Nevaeh and Alivia are home with a sitter (Alex) this summer. Jonah and Layla are still in daycare. Jonah just cut his first tooth and before long he will be crawling. Nevaeh starts kindergarten this fall. Kids are growing so fast.

Thanks for the prayers. We are nearing the end of this...

1 comment:

  1. John you have been such a blessing threw all of this. I am so happy that God has blessed you and I will be praying that this will be the end of all this chemo and that you will be in completely well. May the continue blessing you and your family. Love Serita
