So Andy wrote the last post. I was watching football. She looked bored. Here status update was right on. Figured I'd chime in here as well.
I know you've all been following along, but yes I did squeak out an fantasy football win this weekend. I had 5 starters on bye or injured, but through some clever pickups and all around strategery, I pulled it off. Thanks for the support. I am back to 4-4 in the season.
The abridged version of where I am at now:
Yes I am back in Sanford for chemo again; 10th Round. (Bummer)
Most Sanford nursing staff is the same so I am comfortable (Awesome)
Yes it is very depressing to have to start over. (Super Bummer)
I am much happier to do this again in Sioux Falls, closer to friends and family (Bonus)
We're focused on getting me back in remission but haven't really looked beyond that. (1st things, 1st)
My GI biopsy indicated my Graft vs. Host in my stomach is gone (Nice)
One more night of chemo for this round. Seems to be working as intended. (I can take it)
I hope to be out of here in time to cook a Thanksgiving meal (Who wants to come?)
Andy and the kids are keeping up their routines which keeps everyone's mind off of all this. We've a great support network. Thanks to Holly for organizing & helping Andy with meals. Bonus is that our kids who are generally pretty picky, are getting variations of the things they like, but are trying new things.
Some commonly asked questions:
- Can we visit Jon?
- YES! I appreciate a heads up incase something is going on (call, email or text), but not critical. If you are healthy please visit. I'm not afraid of a little sniffle (wash your hands, wear a mask), but I need to avoid respiratory\pneumonia\flu. Remember flu mist vaccine is an active virus so I can't be around you for 3 weeks. Regular flu shot....no problem. Sorry, no kids under 12, they can't be in my wing. Please visit. I'm on a ton of preventative meds for most infections, but there is no pill for conversation.
- What is Andy's schedule?
- Monday - Home 5:30-6 then Alivia off to dance
- Tuesday - Usually open after 5:30
- Wed - Home at 5:30 then everyone off to church at 6
- Thurs - Home 5:30-6 then Nevaeh off to dance
- Fri-Sun - Varies but generally home after 5:30.
- School night bed time is 8:00. It's a chore for Andy to get 4 little ones down on her own.
- How can we help Andy?
- The meals\groceries have been great!
- Babysitting... some or all of the kids. So Andy can run errands or come see me. (She needs time away from the house too).
- Rides to dance for the girls. Only an hour or so would let Andy focus on things at home a bit.
- She could use visitors too...
- Best to coordinate with her via Facebook or email. grannjo1@sio.midco.net
- How are you doing financially?
- The question no one likes to ask, but is probably wondering the most.
- Amazingly, even after 2 years, we are doing OK. Our insurance and some answered prayers (Ex: Grant for a donor search covered all expenses for that part) have covered pretty much all the medical bills. I have long-term benefits activated now and there were a few months here where Andy & I were both back working full time. It's also quite difficult to spend money on food and gas when stuck in a hospital room.
- I can't understate how important everyone's generosity was to us at the benefit last April. The money has been used to offset Andy not getting paid over the summer while being my caregiver. It was much needed for our living and travel expenses in Rochester. Co-pays for medications. We also upgraded a few things at home. Carpets had to be replaced, ducts cleaned post transplant. We upgraded washer and dryer to high capacity which has made a big difference in time spent doing laundry. We've been careful knowing the transplant may not be the end of it and we still have saved about half or what was given at the benefit.
- The generosity of everyone has relieved so much stress, which has been priceless.
- What do you need most now?
- Prayers: for healing, for my family, for a miracle
- Time: with Andy, with the kids,with family , with friends... time to live
- Strength and Understanding: I'm really over this cancer business... really
Ahh... that's enough for now. I'll have more to say as the days pass. I've already had enough food channel, travel channel and "Storage Wars\Pawn Stars\fill in reality TV show" marathons to get my fill.
Thanks to everyone that has been visiting this week. Ira, Chris K., Rogene & Tom, Rick & Julie, Todd & Jane, Jeff, Teresa, & Dawson. Devon & friends, 1st United Methodist family... hope I didn't forget anyone.
Tune in next time when both of Jon's immune systems go on strike... Is 2 really better then 1?