So back at the farm a couple of weeks ago... it was a particularly nice day. We took the kids for a walk and I took this picture (really I did). I have often pondered, how many frogs can be stacked on top of each other. The answer is 3.
Now you know.Upon further research, I learned that the frog on the bottom is Republican. The other 2 are Democrat. How do I know this? The top two either feel entitled to that bit of road the bottom frog has, or they expect the bottom frog to carry them across the road. Now that I lay it out, it is quite obvious isn't it.
I’m almost 2 weeks into my fifth round of chemo and haven’t written anything yet. Figured I would use a little time this weekend to catch up. This round of chemo has been going fine so far. I’ve received the same drugs and treatment as last time. I’m currently on day 12 and my counts have nearly bottomed out. I feel fine. Hemoglobin was low yesterday so I got 2 units. I’ll probably need platelets tomorrow. The counts have dropped pretty much exactly the same as last time. Hopefully the recovery is faster. This time I’ve been working fulltime while here. The days pass faster and I’m tired at the end of the day making going to sleep much easier. It has been working pretty well.
I managed to get the doc to give me a “hall pass” to leave my area of the hospital and even go outside to the patio. The problem is other then the day I came in, it has been terrible rainy\snowy and cold outside. Now that my counts are so low, I won’t be able to take advantage of it. Guessing I’ve got a week and a half or so left in here. I’ll have one more round of chemo after this. I’m looking forward to enjoying a bit of the outdoors before my last round. Softball will start in a few weeks. I’ve got a couple of work trips lined up. We’ve got a wedding and hopefully a family roadtrip to fit in as well. We’re getting closer to the end of this. Thanks to all for the comments and prayers.